Jan 1, 2021
Hello and welcome to season two of The Faerie Folk, the podcast that takes you on a magical tour to discover the myth and the magic of the United Kingdom - without leaving the comfort of your own home!
Today's episode takes us over to Northern Ireland to explore The Giant's Causeway and the legend of the giant Fionn Mac Cumhaill who is said to have built it. Then join us as we fly away with the faeries once again, to discover the legend behind one of Northern Ireland's most famous songs.
There’s more folktales, myths and legends waiting for you over on social media. Join us on:
Twitter: twitter.com/thefaerie_folk
Instagram: www.instagram.com/thefaerie_folk/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thefaeriefolk/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR9cDyL6Lsm2CWQ_HwUfDmA
The music featured in today's episode is 'Galway' by Kevin MacLeod
Link: incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3795-galway
License: creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
**** Travel between United Kingdom locations is currently discouraged due to COVID-19 restrictions. The travel information provided in this podcast is designed as a guide for future travel plans once restrictions have eased. If you are planning on travelling, please check the information provided by local authorities beforehand and adhere to local guidelines once there. You can find more information here: https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus ****